Are All Carbs Bad?

Are Low Carb Enthusiasts Right About The Dangers Of Carbohydrates? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Low carb enthusiasts have been on the warpath against carbohydrates for years. Almost everyone agrees that sugar-sweetened sodas and highly processed, refined foods with added sugar are bad for us. But low carb enthusiasts claim that we should also avoid fruits, grains, and starchy ...

Should Athletes Be Taking Omega-3s?

Can Omega-3s Protect Your Brain? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Contact sports like football and soccer can be an athlete’s ticket to fame and fortune. That is a powerful motivator. But many elite athletes in contact sports pay a terrible price after their playing days are over. Repeated head trauma can lead to a condition called Chronic Trauma Encephalopathy ...

Treating Restless Leg Syndrome


What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney July is here and Florida is hot! The “Snowbirds” have gone north to the cooler weather (a goal of mine!) and life is moving in the slow lane. Before I get started talking about our topic for the day, I want ...

Can You Slow The Aging Process?

Fountain Of Youth

A Holistic Approach To Living Healthy Longer Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Ever since Ponce de Leon’s famed 1513 expedition, people have been searching for the proverbial “Fountain of Youth”. There have been hucksters selling pills and potions to reverse the aging process. Most of them didn’t work. They were no better than snake oil. There have been legitimate scientists ...

Is Vegan Breast Milk Sufficient?


What Can Vegan Moms Do? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  A whole food vegan diet is incredibly healthy: Vegans are less likely to be overweight than the general population. Vegans have a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, and several other diseases than the general population. Whole food vegan diets are anti-inflammatory, so they lower the ...

Relief From Calf Cramp Pain


Stretching Your Calf Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney Florida is heating up and midday is pretty warm, but the rest of the USA is just entering the best time of year (if you love warm weather). And I think the best part is that the days are longer so we ...

Is HDL Good For Your Heart?

HDL CHolesterol

Is Everything You Knew About HDL Wrong? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  In last week’s “Health Tips From the Professor” I talked about one of the greatest strengths of the scientific method - namely that investigators constantly challenge, and occasionally disprove, existing paradigms. That allows us to discard old models of how things work and replace them with ...

Is Low Alcohol Consumption Healthy?

The Scientific Method In Action Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  You have probably heard that low alcohol consumption is healthier than complete abstinence from alcohol. It is certainly a popular viewpoint. It is also a scientific paradigm. By that I mean: It is supported by multiple clinical studies. Elaborate metabolic explanations have been proposed to support this paradigm. It ...

Which Vitamins Reduce Breast Cancer Risk?

How Can You Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Breast cancer is scary. The good news is that treatment has gotten much better. Breast cancer is no longer a death sentence. But most women would prefer to avoid breast cancer surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy if they could. Could something as simple as supplementation reduce ...

Does The Mediterranean Diet Improve Pregnancy Outcomes?

healthy pregnancy

Is The Mediterranean Diet Overrated? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney You may have noticed that certain celebrities are singled out for fame and acclaim, while others of equal talent and accomplishment are virtually ignored. The same thing occurs in the scientific realm. At present, the Mediterranean diet is the darling of the diet world. Study after study is designed ...

Health Tips From The Professor