Another Diet Pill Bites the Dust Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney The New Year is upon us, and everyone is looking for an easy way to lose weight. Let’s face it. Losing weight is difficult. You have to give up your favorite foods. You’re often hungry and cranky. You have to change your lifestyle. And did I mention that ...
The Two Biggest Misconceptions About Supplementation
Secrets You Need To Know Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney In last week’s “Health Tips From The Professor” I told you the truth behind the headlines that vitamins are a waste of money. This week I'm going to be talking about the two biggest misconceptions that people have about supplementation. These are two secrets you need to know. The ...
Are Multivitamins A Waste Of Money?
Don’t Throw Your Vitamins Away Yet Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney The Professor is annoyed. Two things really irritate me: Charlatans who cherry pick studies to “prove” that their snake oil supplements will cure what ails you. Doctors who proclaim that vitamins are a waste of money without understanding the science behind the studies they are quoting. Are Multivitamins A Waste ...
Belly Fat Increases Your Risk Of Dementia
Does Belly Fat Make You Dumb? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney In last week's "Healh Tips From the Professor" I told you that abdominal obesity (otherwise known as "belly fat") increases your risk of dying from both heart disease and cancer. But you probably knew that already. This week I'm going to tell you about a recent study that breaks ...
How Do You Fight Insomnia?
Preventing Sleeplessness Without Medication Author: Dr. Pierre DuBois Do you struggle to fall asleep at night? Do you find yourself wide awake at three in the morning staring up at the ceiling and wondering if you’ll fall back to sleep at all before your alarm goes off? If you answered “yes”, you are not alone. Research has shown ...
Abdominal Fat Shortens Your Lifespan
Your Belly Fat Could Be Killing You Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney You've probably already heard about the dangers of abdominal obesity (otherwise known as "belly fat"). You've probably heard that it increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. But did you know that your belly fat could be killing you? And, the weirdest part is ...
Trigger Point Therapy
Five Tips For Releasing Trigger Points Author: Julie Donnelly Have you ever had a pain in one area, rubbed another place on your body, and felt the pain melt away? If so, you’ve experienced the result of “trigger point therapy.” A trigger point is technically an area of hyperirritability in a muscle that may refer pain &/or numbness ...
Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Brain Health
Is it How Much You Eat, or How Much You Keep? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Why do some studies conclude that omega-3 fatty acids are essential for a strong mind, a strong heart and will wipe out inflammation – while other studies suggest that they are ineffective? The simple answer is that nobody really knows. However, in the ...
Does Cell Phone Use Lead to Brain Cancer?
Author: Dr. Pierre DuBois There are currently close to 6 billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide, and increased usage of cell phones has understandably led to a greater level of interest in how safe they are. The main concern for our health is that mobile phones emit and receive electromagnetic radiation as a result of their need to ...
Are Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Right For You?
Do Statins Really Work? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Statins - those ubiquitous drugs used to lower cholesterol levels - are big business! Over 20 million Americans are currently being treated with statin drugs at a cost that runs into billions of dollars every year. And cardiologists have just recommended that another 20 million Americans consider using cholesterol lowering ...