Does Grilled Meat Increase Prostate Cancer Risk?

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Want Cancer With That Burger?   Its summer and you have most likely already visited a backyard bbq. One question that you probably won't hear from your host or hostess is "Would you like some cancer with that burger?" But, perhaps that is exactly the question that they should be asking. You probably already knew ...

Do Diet Sodas Make You Fat?

Why Do Sodas Cause Obesity?
Why Do Sodas Cause Obesity?

Should You Kick the Diet Soda Habit? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney We are consuming ever increasing amounts of diet sodas to combat the obesity epidemic. In 1960 14% of the U.S. population was obese and 3.3% of us consumed diet sodas. By 2010 41% of the U.S. population was obese and 20% of us were consuming diet ...

Does Sugar Cause Heart Disease?


Is Sugar No Longer Your Best Friend? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Sugar has gotten a lot of bad press in recent years. You’ve probably already heard that high sugar intake is associated with inflammation, obesity and diabetes. As if that weren’t bad enough, the latest headlines proclaim that added sugar may also increase our risk of fatal ...

Are The Benefits Of Resveratrol A Myth?

Red Wine

Is Resveratrol Dead? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney It seems like just a few years ago that the headlines were proclaiming that resveratrol, a polyphenol found in red wines, grapes and chocolate, was the latest “super nutrient”. It was going to make you younger, smarter and healthier. You probably knew that all of the claims being made at ...

Does Resveratrol Improve Blood Sugar Control?

blood sugar test

Is The Promise of Resveratrol True? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney It was just a few years ago that resveratrol was the latest “miracle nutrient”. It was featured on Dr. Oz and on 60 Minutes. It was hot! Today you see dueling headlines. The headlines one week proclaim the benefits of resveratrol. Next week’s headlines say that it’s ...

Can Fish Oil Make Children Smarter?

Confused Child

When Do Omega-3 Supplements Make Sense? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney We know that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are critically important for brain development. But will they really help our kids learn better? Some studies suggest that they do, while other studies have come up empty. Why is this? More importantly, what does it ...

Our Gut Bacteria Are What We Eat


We Grow What We Eat Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney The subtitle of this week's “Health Tips From the Professor” is "We Grow What We Eat". No, this is not about each of us starting a backyard garden and literally growing what we eat – although that would probably be a good idea for most of us. I'm actually ...

Do Omega-3s Lower Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure

The Good News About Fish Oil Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney High blood pressure or hypertension is a major problem in this country. Over 60% of Americans have high blood pressure. Only 47% of those with hypertension are adequately controlled. 20% of them don’t even know that they have high blood pressure. In this case, ignorance is definitely not ...

Do Artificial Colors Cause Hyperactivity?

artificial food colors

Color Them Hyperactive Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Each year between 3 and 10% of school aged children are diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), also known as hyperactivity. Most of these children are currently being treated with drugs. And these drugs have side effects - ranging from relatively minor (loss of appetite, weight loss, insomnia and mood swings) ...

Health Tips From The Professor