Nitric Oxide Benefits and Side Effects


Reverse Heart Disease? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Nitric oxide has had a meteoric rise from obscurity to fame in just a few short years. It’s an amazing story. After all, nitric oxide is a colorless, odorless gas. Who could have known it was destined for greatness? In this article, we will discuss nitric oxide benefits and side ...

Are Organic Foods Healthier?


Organic Fruits & Vegetables Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Are organic foods healthier for us than conventionally grown foods, specifically fruits and vegetables? The controversy about the benefits of organically raised produce continues. In fact, about the only thing that all sides agree on is that: Organic foods have lower pesticide and herbicide residues and cause less environmental pollution. Organic ...



Benefits of Omega-3 Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  When a blood clot ends up in your lungs, it can be deadly. But that blood clot didn’t start out in your lungs. It initially formed in your veins where it is referred to as a thrombus. Then it broke off and migrated to your lungs – a process called ...

Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

Vitamin D

Vitamin D Deficiency? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Is vitamin D deficiency one of the risk factors of prostate cancer? What if something as simple as maintaining optimal vitamin D status could decrease your risk of prostate cancer? There is a lot of indirect evidence suggesting that vitamin D deficiency might affect your risk of developing prostate cancer. ...

Are MultiVitamins a Waste of Money?


The Multivitamin Controversy You Never Heard About Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Are multivitamins a waste of money?  You probably saw the recent headlines telling you that “the experts” have concluded that multivitamins are a waste of money. The article (Gualler et al., Annals of Internal Medicine, 159: 850-851, 2013) that generated all of the headlines was ...

Do Calcium Supplements Increase Heart Attack Risk?


  Calcium Confusion Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Should you avoid calcium supplements? Do calcium supplements increase heart disease risk? If you've been reading some of the recent headlines in magazines, newspapers and current health articles, that's exactly what you might think. And, after years of telling us that calcium supplements may be important for bone health, even some doctors ...

Can Gut Bacteria Make You Fat?


Gut Bacteria, Diet and Obesity Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney     Can gut bacteria make you fat? It has been known for some time that the types of bacteria found in the intestines of obese people are different than those found in the intestines of lean individuals. But no one really knew the significance, if any, of that ...

Health Tips From The Professor