No Viagra Side Effects?

viagra side effects

A Big, Fat Problem With Testosterone Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   You can’t turn on the TV nowadays without seeing ads for medications to prevent erectile dysfunction and allow you to be ready “when the moment is right.” You have probably also heard the ads for testosterone creams to treat “low T”. Similar ads seem to find their ...

Do Diets Work?


Obesity in America? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney If you are like most Americans, you are either overweight yourself or have close friends and family who are overweight. That’s because 69% of Americans are currently overweight, and 36% of us are obese. Worldwide the latest estimates are that 1.5 billion adults are overweight or obese. A new report, How ...

Can Resveratrol Improve Memory Performance In The Elderly ?

red wine benefits

Will Red Wine Make You Smarter? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney It seems like every other day a new headline pops up telling us of yet another nutrient that might improve memory and slow cognitive decline. Perhaps it’s because we having a greying population. Lots of Americans are looking for that magic pill that will allow us to ...

Healthy Thanksgiving

healthy thanksgiving

The Holidays Don’t Have To Be Unhealthy Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney While "Healthy Thanksgiving" doesn't quite have the appeal of the more familiar "Happy Thanksgiving" greeting, I used it here to make the point that Thanksgiving dinner (and many other holiday meals) doesn't have to be an unhealthy affair. After all, there is a lot to like about ...

Health Tips From The Professor