Food Ingredients To Avoid

food ingredients to avoid

Food Ingredients to Avoid-Part 1: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   I have been getting a lot of questions lately about food ingredient labels. That's because in today’s internet world everyone is an “expert” wanting to be heard. Couple that with the fact that old news is boring, and we have a ...

Folic Acid and Cancer

folic acid and cancer

Does Folic Acid Increase Cancer Risk? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   You’ve seen the headlines. “Folic Acid Supplements May Increase Colon Cancer Risk in People Over 50” and “Folic Acid Supplements May Increase Prostate Cancer Risk in Men”. And I’ve seen articles telling people over 50 that they should take their multivitamin tablets every other day to avoid ...

What Causes Hip Pain?

what causes hip pain

Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT   What causes hip pain?  The hip is a complicated joint and has a potential for many causes of hip pain. There is an incredible range of motion from the synchronicity of many muscles, all inserting at different points around the hip and pelvis. Some of the muscles pull your thigh bone in a series of different directions, ...

The Food Label: Lies of the Food Industry

food labels

Can BIG FOOD Inc. Be Trusted? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Healthy Eating Is In. We are told we need more fiber, whole grains, fruits & vegetables, nuts and omega-3s in our diet. As a consequence more and more Americans are reading food labels to be sure that the foods they are buying are healthy. But are those food ...

What Causes ADHD?

what causes adhd in kids

Do Foods Make Kids Fidget? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   When I was a kid we didn't have all of these fancy words like hyperactivity, ADD and ADHD. If a kid had trouble sitting still and trouble focusing on the task at hand, they were just considered "fidgety".  So, what causes ADHD in kids? Now that I've dated myself ...

Heart Disease in Women


What You Don’t Know About Heart Health Can Hurt You Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney If you are a young mom, heart disease is the furthest thing from your mind. You have your kids and your husband to look after. You have work. You don’t have time to look after yourself. Besides, you may think that heart disease ...

Are Herbal Supplements Bogus?

herbal supplements

How Can You Be Sure You Are Getting What You Paid For? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Two weeks ago the headlines claimed that most supplements containing grape seed extract were bogus. Just last week the New York Attorney General claimed that four of the largest retailers in the state were selling bogus herbal supplements. We already knew that ...

Health Tips From The Professor