Do Omega-3s Prevent Age-Related Muscle Loss?


Does Fish Oil Build Muscle? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Omega-3-rich fish oil supplements have attracted their share of controversy in recent years, but there appear to be lots of reasons to make sure that you get enough omega-3s from your diet. There is actually pretty good evidence that omega-3s offer a natural approach for people who wish to ...

Stretches For Sciatica Pain. Do They Work?

stretches for sciatic nerve pain

How To Treat Sciatic Nerve Pain Naturally   Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT –The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney   Stretches for sciatica pain work, but only when muscle spasms are released first!   Most people have been told to stretch tight muscles but they haven’t been told that muscle spasms (trigger points) shorten the fibers and tie the muscles in tiny ...

Restaurant Chains Beginning To Serve Healthy Fast Food?

healthy fast food

Would You Like Hydrocolloids In Your "Healthy Fast Food?" Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   The fast food industry is changing. Some of the changes are good. Some of the changes are bad. Some of the changes are downright ugly. Let’s start with the good. In recent months Panera, MacDonald’s and Subway have all announced that they are switching to ...

What Is Epigenetics

what is epigenetics

Can What We Eat Affect Our Kids? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   What is epigenetics?  For me, the first stages of understanding came a while back.  When I was a young graduate student (which is more than just a few years ago), I was taught that all genetic information resided in our DNA. During conception, we picked up ...

Do Supplements Cause Cancer?


The Kernel of Truth Behind the Scary Headlines Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Once again the sky is falling! Some of the recent headlines have been downright scary. You’ve probably seen headlines saying things like “The American Association for Cancer Research reports that dietary supplements increase cancer risk” and “A recent study shows that taking extra vitamins and ...

Are Sports Supplements Safe?

are sports supplements safe

Are There Any Sports Supplement Companies You Can Trust? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   “Pump up your muscles”, “Explode your muscles”, “”Blast your fat”, “Annihilate your fat”, “Ramp up your energy”: The claims leap off the page of the ads for many sports and weight loss supplements.  But, are sports supplements safe? The easiest way to ramp up your ...

Do Women Get Enough Omega-3 During Pregnancy?

omega-3 during pregnancy

Should Pregnant Women Take Omega-3 Supplements? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Especially DHA, Are Essential For Normal Brain Development Long chain omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, have been shown to be very important during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester when DHA accumulates in the fetal brain at a very high rate. It is ...

Do Blood Pressure Medications Cause Memory Loss?

Do blood pressure medications cause memory loss

Is The Cure Worse Than The Disease? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   High blood pressure has been called a silent killer. This is because it is possible to go for years with high blood pressure and not even know it. Even worse, the consequences of untreated high blood pressure can be catastrophic – stroke, heart attack, congestive heart ...

What Causes Back Pain?

what causes back pain

Natural Remedies for Back Pain   Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT –The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney   What Causes Back Pain?  Exploring the Overlooked Muscular Causes:   Your back is a symphony of overlapping, interconnected, groups of muscles, tendons, and nerves. Each muscle merges into a tendon, which then crosses over a joint and inserts into a bone. When the ...

Health Tips From The Professor