Are Food Supplements Safe?

are food supplements safe

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   If you saw the recent headlines proclaiming that dietary supplements were responsible for 23,000 emergency room visits and 2,100 hospitalizations every year, you are probably wondering are food supplements safe to use at all. The study behind these headlines (Geller et al, New England Journal of Medicine, 373: 1531-1540, 2015) was based on ...

Omega-3 and ADHD in Children

omgega-3 and adhd in children

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Sometimes I write articles pointing out the fallacies in the headlines you’ve been reading. Other times I write articles because major studies have provided a definitive test of a current paradigm. And sometimes I write articles about small studies that have the potential to change existing paradigms. This week’s article falls in ...

Natural Treatment for Hip Pain

natural treatment for hip pain

Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT –The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney Do You Love Sports? Do You Exercise Frequently? Do You Have Aches & Pains? Wish there was a natural treatment for hip pain?  Exercising and playing sports is a “pluses and minuses” situation because it’s great to build muscle and burn fat, but it can also cause joint ...

Magnesium Supplements Benefits | Reduce Diabetes Risk?

reduce diabetes risk

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   I came across an article the other day suggesting that one of the magnesium supplements benefits might be  improved blood sugar control in pre-diabetics with low blood levels of magnesium (Guerrero-Romero et al, Diabetes & Metabolism, 41: 202-207, 2015). Considering that… A 2014 CDC report stated that 1/3 of adult Americans are pre-diabetic, ...

ADHD Diet VS Medication for ADHD

what causes adhd in kids

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   I came across a headline in our local newspaper recently that said “Try Nutrition, Not Drugs, for ADHD”. The article made claims like “No good evidence exists to support the ADHD disease hypothesis” and “…on numerous occasions we have seen ADHD symptoms completely disappear without medication”. As a scientist, I am always a ...

Does Genetics Determine Weight?

Overweight & Skinny Women

Does Genetics Cause Obesity? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney It’s frustrating. Try as hard as you might, you just can’t seem to lose weight. Even worse you suspect that your friends – and maybe your doctor – assume that you are cheating on your diet. It just doesn’t seem fair. Perhaps there is a simple explanation. Maybe your genes ...

Is Vitamin E Deficiency Common in the US

are Americans vitamin E deficient

 Does Vitamin E Matter? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney A headline claiming “Over 90% of Twentysomethings Have Suboptimal Vitamin E Status” caught my eye the other day, so I decided to investigate further. If you have been following all of the information and misinformation about vitamin E in the online media, you are probably confused – and this ...

Repetitive Strain Injury From Sleeping

repetitive strain injury causes

Get Off To A Great Start Every Morning Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney How Can Sleep Cause Repetitive Strain Injury? For most of us during sleep we stay in one position for hours at a time.  So if you wake up with back pain after sleeping, you are experiencing the side ...

Are Supplements Worth It?

are supplements worth it

A Cost, Benefit Analysis of Supplementation Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney   Are supplements worth it?  There is no question that supplements add to the family budget. As families juggle their budgets it is natural to wonder whether the supplements they are buying are worth the cost. It is only natural to ask questions like: “What is the cost, benefit ...

Health Tips From The Professor