The Pluses And Minuses Of Stretching Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT –The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney When using stretching exercises for flexibility and pain relief, you should be careful to release the knots first. Minuses! Are there any minuses to stretching? Yes, there are…let me explain. All muscles originate on one bone, we’ll call the bone that is ...
Does Obesity Cause Cancer?
Is The Obesity Epidemic Killing Us? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Does obesity cause cancer? You probably already know that we are in the midst of a world-wide obesity epidemic. If not, here are some of the alarming statistics that characterize that epidemic: The global prevalence of obesity has increased by 27.5% between 1980 and 2013. 35% of the adult population ...
Do Multivitamins Reduce the Risk of Miscarriage?
Will A Multivitamin A Day Keep YourBaby Healthy? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney The standard medical advice for years has been to take a prenatal supplement (basically a multivitamin with extra folic acid, iron and sometimes calcium) both before and during pregnancy. Does that really make a difference? Will it reduce the risk of miscarriage? Will it give ...
Do Multivitamins Reduce Heart Disease Risk?
Will A Multivitamin A Day Keep The Doctor Away? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Junk foods and convenience foods have become the American way. We are perhaps the most overfed and undernourished country on the planet. Even worse, we are exporting our unhealthy lifestyle to the rest of the world. Because of the foods we eat experts estimate that ...
Omega-3 And Blood Pressure: The Good News
Will Fish Oil Lower Your Blood Pressure? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Is there a relationship between omega-3 and blood pressure we should understand to for health benefits? High blood pressure is a killer! It can kill you by causing heart attacks, strokes, congestive heart failure, kidney failure and much more. High blood pressure is a serial killer. It doesn’t ...
Does Exercise Reduce Cancer Risk?
Another Reason To Stop Using Your Exercise Bike As A Clothes Rack Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney OK guys; listen up. We need to have a heart to heart talk about exercise. Sometimes it seems as if exercise is the step child of a healthy lifestyle. Taking supplements is easy, and most of us can manage a healthy diet ...