Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?


Or Is It Something Else? Treatment For Wrist Pain Masquerading As Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney It’s been hot this summer. High temperature records were broken not just in the USA, but all over the world!  The funny thing is it was sometimes hotter up north than down ...

Are All Plant-Based Diets Healthy?

Why Are Plant-Based Diets Healthy? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Unless you are like Rip van Winkle and have been asleep for the past 30 years, you have probably heard that plant-based diets are good for you. In fact, that advice is sound. It is based on multiple long-term studies. But you may still be hesitant to make the ...

Are Calcium Supplements Safe?


What Does This Study Mean For You? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Should you avoid calcium supplements because they increase your risk of heart disease? Some headlines and blog posts would have you believe that. You may have been told that by your doctor. But is it true? Unfortunately, this is another example of the swinging pendulum that we ...

Omega-3 Supplements Are Safe


Why Do Clinical Studies Disagree?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Six weeks ago, the title of my “Health Tips From the Professor” article was, “Are Omega-3 Supplements Safe?” That’s because I was reviewing a study that claimed long-term use of omega-3 supplements increased the risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke. And it had led to headlines like, “Omega-3 ...

Is It Achilles Tendonitis Or Something Else?

Treatment For The Flexor Digitorum and Hallucis Muscles Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney The snowbirds are long gone!  The plus is that it’s easier to get into restaurants, and the roads aren’t as crowded.  Of course, the minus is the weather. August is the hottest month of the year. August is ...

Which Diets Are Best For The Planet?


Which Diets Are Best For Your Health? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Is it hot enough yet? I’m not going to take a stand in the global warming debate. But I will say this summer has been extraordinarily hot – even for North Carolina. So, what can we do about it? I will list some options below. But with ...

Can You Build Muscle in Your 80s?

What Does It Take to Build Muscle in Your 80s? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney As we age it becomes harder to build muscle, so we start to lose muscle mass and strength, a physiological process called sarcopenia. In last week’s issue of “Health Tips From the Professor” I shared studies showing it was possible to slow, and ...

Optimizing Protein Intake For Seniors

The Role Of Muscle Protein In Energy Metabolism  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  We’ve been told, It’s all downhill after 30.” That may or may not be true depending on the lifestyle choices we make. But for muscle mass, “It’s all downhill after 50!” Simply put, we start to lose muscle mass at an accelerating pace after 50, a ...

Is Fluoride Safe For Pregnant Women?

water faucet

What Does This Study Mean For You?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Fluoridation of drinking water has always been controversial. On one side you have the dental and medical community who claim that fluoridation is a great public health advance. Their claim is that it strengthens teeth and prevents tooth decay with minimal risk to the public. Although ...

Treatment For Shin Splints


What Causes Shin Splints? Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney July is here and Florida is hot! The “Snowbirds” have gone north to the cooler weather (a goal of mine!) and life is moving in the slow lane. For me, the slow down time is giving me the opportunity to work on ...

Health Tips From The Professor