Does Diet Affect Sperm Quality?

Enjoying Red Meat

Do Real Men Eat Meat? Meat has a certain mystique among some men. They believe real men eat meat, especially red meat. The belief is that eating red meat makes them bigger, stronger, and more virile. In that world view, vegetarianism is effeminate. How much of that is true? Let’s start by looking at the bigger and ...

Could A Probiotic Supplement Make You Healthier?

Myth Buster

What Is The Truth About Our Microbiome? Our gut bacteria, often referred to as our microbiome, are a “hot” topic in today’s world. They have been in the news a lot in recent years. If you believe the headlines, the right gut bacteria can make you smarter, healthier, and cure what ails you. They appear to ...

Relief From Plantar Fasciitis Pain


Get Rid Of Foot Pain And Enjoy Running Again Sometimes I like to start my blog with ideas I think you may find helpful. This year, I’m not only writing goals, I’m doing something that was suggested by Pegine Echevarria.  I’m looking back on last year and writing down as many of my successes as I ...

Is The Impossible Burger Healthy For You?

Vegan Burger

Is The Impossible Burger Healthy For the Planet? Americans love their meat. In 2018 we averaged over 200 pounds of meat per person. If we just focus on beef, we eat about 54 pounds per year. That’s equivalent to four quarter pounders a week! But we are also getting the message that too much meat, especially red ...

Is Red Meat As Healthy As White Meat?

Eating Red Meat

The Lies of the Beef Industry Last week I wrote about a recent review claiming that the evidence for the health risks of red meat consumption was so weak that the best advice for the American public was to eat as much of it as they like. I pointed out the many flaws in that study. ...

Is Red Meat Healthy For You?

fatty steak

Why Is Red Meat So Controversial? The American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, the World Health Organization and other organizations have been telling us for years that diets high in red meat are likely to increase our risk of chronic diseases. If you are like most Americans, you have been trying to cut back on ...

Relieve Stress Headaches Naturally

What Causes Stress Headaches? Stress is an unfortunate byproduct of the festivities of the holiday season. The holidays are supposed to be fun. But you are adding all the festive gatherings, Christmas shopping, and family drama to an already crowded schedule. Then the New Year comes. This should be a time you can relax. But no, the ...

What Supplements Help Mental Health?


Do Omega-3s Reduce Depression? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney We are in the midst of a mental health crisis. According to the latest statistics: ·       19% of adults in the United States have some form of mental illness. ·       16.5% of youth ages 6-17 have some form of mental illness. ·       The 5 most commonly diagnosed forms of mental illness are ...

Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

intermittent fasting

Will Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney If you are like millions of Americans, one of your New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. Now your dilemma is how to accomplish that. You have tried various diets before – Atkins, paleo, keto, Whole 30, etc. You lost some weight, but it came right ...

Why Do Most Diets Fail?

New Year Diet

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Tomorrow is the official start of another dieting season. Millions of Americans will be making a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. The top three reasons for these weight loss resolutions are: 1)    Reduce disease risk (73%). After all, we are being told those excess pounds increase our ...

Health Tips From The Professor