What Is The Truth About Eating Eggs And Heart Disease?

egg confusion

Have The Dangers Of Eggs Been “Eggagerated”? It’s no wonder you are confused about whether or not eggs are good for you. The advice you have been given about eggs over the years has been constantly changing. Eggs are an affordable source of high-quality protein, iron, unsaturated fats, phospholipids like lecithin and choline, and carotenoids. That almost ...

Can Vitamin C Prevent Heart Disease?

vitamin C

Where Should I Get My Vitamin C? The vitamin C controversy continues. Some people call vitamin C a “miracle” nutrient. Others consider it little more than “fairy dust”. What is the truth? Let’s look at the effect of vitamin C on heart disease risk as an example of why it is so difficult to resolve questions like ...

Is Stress Causing My Headaches?


"It's Summertime, and the Living Is...Stressful" It’s hot out, the birds are chirping, the air is pretty still, and the rains are often torrential.  It’s summer and under normal circumstances things slow down as people take vacations or just go to sit at the beach or pool.  Normally, we would be singing that old favorite, “It’s ...

Should I Avoid Whole Grains?

Whole Grains

Will Whole Grains Kill Me? It seems like just yesterday that health experts all agreed that whole grains were good for us. After all: They are a good source of fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, and the minerals magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Their fiber fills you up, so you are less likely to overeat. ...

Does Maternal Vitamin D Affect Childhood ADHD?

vitamin d

Can ADHD Be Prevented? If you are pregnant, or of childbearing age, should you be supplementing with vitamin D? Increasingly, the answer appears to be yes. 1) Based on blood 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels (considered the most accurate marker of vitamin D status): 8-11% of pregnant women in the US are deficient in vitamin D (<30 ...

Can DNA Testing Help You Lose Weight?

Genetic Testing

How Does DNA Testing Work Best? Genomics (DNA testing) is hot. You are being told that if you just knew your genes, you could lose weight successfully, be healthier, be happier, leap tall buildings in a single bound (Actually, I haven’t heard the last claim, but it’s about the only claim that genomics marketers haven’t made). ...

Can You Improve Your Healthspan?

Can You Live Healthier, Longer? Ever since Ponce de Leon led an expedition to the Florida coast in 1513, we have been searching for the mythical “Fountain Of Youth”. What does that myth mean? Supposedly, just by immersing yourself in that fountain you would be made younger. You would experience all the exuberance and health you enjoyed ...

Does Vitamin D Prevent Type 1 Diabetes?


Does Genetics Influence Supplementation Benefits? The cause of type 1 diabetes is a mystery. If you go to an authoritarian source like the Mayo Clinic, you will discover that: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that selectively attacks the insulin-producing islet cells of the pancreas. Certain genetic variants predispose individuals to type 1 diabetes. The ...

Which Foods Should I Avoid?

In Defense Of Food

What Is Nutritionism? Recently, I have been reading Michael Pollan’s book “In Defense of Food”. Yes, I know the book has been around for a long time. Normally I read the scientific literature rather than popular health books. However, in the past few weeks I have had a lot more time to read books, so I ...

Relief From Sinus Pain

spring flowers

Are Spring Allergies Ruining Your Time Outdoors? The lovely month of May!  The air is warm, the breezes are soft, and the flowers are blooming.  We’re surrounded by nature coming alive as animal’s pair-up to again start the circle of life, and it’s all beautiful! Hopefully, you are having the opportunity to go out and enjoy this ...

Health Tips From The Professor