Are Weekend Warriors As Healthy As Regular Exercisers?

What Does This Study Mean For You?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  It’s a new year and once again you have set New Year’s goals. If you are like millions of Americans your top 3 goals are probably to eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight – not necessarily in that order. Now comes the hard part: Setting ...

Does Diet Matter For Weight Loss?

fad diets

Who Benefits Most From A Healthy Diet? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Fad diets abound. High protein, low carb, low fat, vegan, keto, paleo – the list is endless. They all claim to be backed by scientific studies showing that you lose weight, lower your cholesterol and triglycerides, lower your blood pressure, and smooth out your blood sugar ...

Relieve Carpal Tunnel Pain Naturally

carpal tunnel syndrome

Why I Developed Natural Treatments For Carpal Tunnel Pain  Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney In 1997 I had wrist pain that was so incredibly severe that I couldn’t take my left hand from flat on a table and bring my thumb up to two o’clock.  I couldn’t pick up a ...

Are Our Healthy Years Getting Shorter?

What Does This Mean For You? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney If you’ve ever traveled the subway system in London, you can’t have missed the “Mind the Gap” signs warning not to put your foot in the gap between the subway and the platform. That warning is more important than ever in an age where people look at their ...

A Global Perspective Of Dietary Inadequacies


Nutritional Inadequacies Of The American Diet  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  If you are like most Americans, you are probably confused by the conflicting information about the nutritional adequacy of the American diet. On the on hand, many bloggers, websites, and the Dr. Strangeloves of the world are telling you the American diet is woefully inadequate, and you ...

Can You Touch Your Toes?


Treating Hamstrings To Relax The Pelvis Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney Happy Thanksgiving! November is the month that reminds us to be grateful for all the blessings we enjoy because we are Americans.  Of course, we should be grateful every day for the freedoms we have in this beautiful country! Have ...

Can You Trust Your Herbal Supplements?


It’s A Jungle Out There Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney In 2020 the annual retail sales of herbal supplements in the United States exceeded $12 billion, and the sales of herbal supplements continues to grow at almost 10% per year. Each of those herbal supplements are marketed to help with a particular health issue. The promise is that they ...

600th Issue Celebration


Nutrition Advances Over The Last Two Years Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  In the nearly twelve years that I have been publishing “Health Tips From The Professor”, I have tried to go behind the headlines to provide you with accurate, unbiased health information that you can trust and apply to your everyday life. The 600th issue of any publication ...

Which Exercise Is Best For Reducing Blood Pressure?

high blood pressure

How Can You Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  Hypertension (high blood pressure) is called a silent killer. That’s because you often don’t notice any symptoms until you die from a stroke or heart attack. Nearly half of all American adults (120 million or 48%) have high blood pressure. Of Americans with high blood ...

Do GLP-1 Drugs Increase Suicide Risk?


The Pros and Cons Of GLP-1 Drugs  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney  You’ve seen the ads. You just inject these “miracle” drugs into your thigh once a week, and your excess weight magically disappears. They look like the simple solution for weight loss everyone has been looking for. More about that in a minute. Let’s first talk about what ...

Health Tips From The Professor