Can Tight Muscles Make You Pigeon Toed?


Treatment To Straighten Your Ankle  Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT –The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney  Happy July Things are hot here in Sarasota – today the temperature was 95 degrees in the sun. Fortunately, my office is in the shade. On the plus side it rained, and my garden was dancing with delight. I’m happy to say I ...

Is Nitrate From Vegetables Good For Your Heart?

health benefits of beetroot juice

Are Nitrates Good For You Or Bad For You?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney We have known for years that fruits and vegetables are good for our hearts. We have assumed that was because whole fruits and vegetables are low in saturated fats and provide heart-healthy nutrients, phytonutrients, and fiber. But could there be more? Recent research has suggested ...

Would You Like Cancer With That Burger?

Barbecue Gathering

Enjoy Your Cookouts Without Increasing Cancer Risk  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney It is July and backyard cookouts are in full swing. One question that you probably won't hear from your host or hostess is "Would you like cancer with that burger?" But perhaps that is exactly the question they should be asking. You probably didn't really want ...

Which Diet Is Best For Your Heart?

heart disease

Why Are Dietary Studies So Confusing?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney You are concerned about your heart. Perhaps it is because of genetics. Everyone on one side of your family tree had their first heart attack in their mid-forties. Perhaps it is because your doctor has warned you that your heart is a ticking time bomb. Unless you ...

How Much Omega-3 Should You Take During Pregnancy?

Premature Baby

Which Omega-3s Are Beneficial?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Preterm births (births occurring before 37 weeks) are increasing in this country. Just between 2018 and 2019, the percentage of preterm births increased by 2% to over 10% of all pregnancies. That is a concern because preterm births are associated with an increased risk of: Visual impairment. Developmental delays. ...

Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis Pain


What Causes Plantar Fasciitis Pain? Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT –The Pain Relief Expert Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney  June, Glorious June Florida is heating up and mid-day is pretty hot, but the rest of the USA is just entering the best time of year (if you love warm weather). And I think the best part is that the days are ...

Is The Paleo Diet Based On A Myth?

the paleo diet

Are Starchy Foods Bad For Us?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney The Paleo Diet is still very popular. And it does have its good points. It is a whole food diet. It eliminates sodas, junk foods, and highly processed foods. Any diet that does that can’t be all bad. But is it unnecessarily restrictive? It eliminates starchy foods like ...

Do Omega-3s Add Years To Your Life?


Why Are Omega-3s So Controversial?  Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney I don’t need to tell you that omega-3s are controversial. Some experts confidently tell you that omega-3s significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and may reduce your risk of cancer and other diseases. Other experts confidently tell you that omega-3s have no effect on heart disease or ...

Are Vegan Diets Bad For Your Bones?

Frail Elderly

The Secrets To A Healthy Vegan Diet Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Osteoporosis is a debilitating and potentially deadly disease associated with aging. It affects 54 million Americans. It can cause debilitating back pain and bone fractures. 50% of women and 25% of men over 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. Hip fractures in the elderly ...

Health Tips From The Professor