Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Or Is It Something Else?

Treatment For Wrist Pain Masquerading As Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Author: Julie Donnelly, LMT – The Pain Relief Expert

Editor: Dr. Steve Chaney

HotIt’s been hot this summer. High temperature records were broken not just in the USA, but all over the world!  The funny thing is it was sometimes hotter up north than down here in Florida.

A snowbird client came in several weeks ago and told me they came back to Florida because they don’t have central air in their house up north (never needed it before).  That’s pretty incredible.

For those of us who are old enough to remember the days before air conditioning, we are even more grateful for air conditioning.

I remember being pregnant with my son in 1967, when we were living in San Antonio, Texas.  Most people didn’t have air conditioning yet, and we certainly didn’t.

I came to realize why Southerners talk so slow (remember, I’m a New Yorker).  It was so hot we just didn’t talk at all. It took too much effort!

Fortunately, this time of year seems to pass quickly, and we’ll be getting back into cooler weather before we know it.  At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

Update On Giving To The Lakota Sioux Tribe


Thank you to so many people who generously gave clothes, shoes, and coats.  Plus, two people gave a donation of money to pay for shipping, and one woman bought shoes during a Walmart Online sale, then she had them shipped directly to the tribe.  I’m getting ready to send a box with coats and sweaters, and I’ve been told more will be coming to the office or being sent directly.  If you would like to send it directly you can get a $30 shipping label for a box up to 70 pounds by going to

Fusion Massage 

I mentioned to you that I’ve added Fusion Massage to my list of therapies.  Fusion Massage is a blending of relaxing oil massage with the focused osteopathic techniques that I normally do every day.  It works extremely well.  I’ve been doing focused osteopathic therapy for over 30 years, so there is no way that I could glide over a knot in your muscles, knowing that this knot is causing you pain, and not stop to take care of it.  And that’s how Fusion Massage works…I stop gliding when I find a knot, put a piece of cloth on it, and work it out.  Then it’s back to relaxing, gliding strokes again.  Try it, you may like it.

This Month’s Focus Is On Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) 

For some reason conditions seem to run in waves.  Lately I’ve had several people come in with pain and numbness in their arms, wrists and hands.  Some have even been diagnosed as having carpal tunnel syndrome, others are told they have something different going on.  One person was told she had thoracic outlet syndrome, which is closer to the truth.

Rarely did any of them actually have carpal tunnel syndrome.  CTS is when the median nerve is impinged within the carpal tunnel of the wrist.

This graphic of the carpal tunnel shows how the median nerve and the tendons of the underside of your forearm (the flexor muscle tendons) all pass through the tiny carpal tunnel.

I hope it will help you visualize the problem as you watch the video (below) that explains why muscles from your neck to your thumb can cause burning and tingling in your wrist, hand, and fingers.

A Bonus…A Treatment For Trigger Finger 

Trigger finger is when one of your fingers gets stuck in the bent position, or when a finger won’t bend at all.  Surgery is often recommended, and while it is sometimes necessary, it’s wise to check the tight forearm muscles before doing a medical procedure that can’t be reversed.  The forearm muscles merge into tendons that move your fingers.  If a muscle fiber gets tight, it is pulling on the tendon and therefore putting pressure on the finger.  Release the tight muscles and your finger will move just fine.

Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Or Something Else? 

This video explains how muscles from the neck to the hand can cause symptoms that feel like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Hand and Wrist Pain Caused By Muscle Pain and Joint Stiffness

Treatment For Wrist Pain Masquerading As Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

If you have symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, you can come into the office and I’ll treat each muscle for you, or you can learn to treat it yourself.

In 1997 I had a severe case of CTS, which was so bad it shut down my entire therapy practice.  It took some time and a LOT of searching, but I was able to eventually figure out how to self-treat it for 100% relief WITHOUT surgery.  I’ve been sharing that knowledge ever since, and I’m happy to say it has helped hundreds of people avoid surgery and get total relief.

It’s simple to do, although it takes some time and concentration to learn each technique.  The most challenging part was getting people to be able to apply the right pressure without hurting their opposite hand.


I had a client who was a sculptor, and he solved the problem.  He designed a specialized tool, which we called the TotalTX Tool (TX is the abbreviation for “treatment” in the medical world).  We tested it and found that not only does it work to treat the tight muscles that cause CTS, but it can release tension from your neck to your feet!



For the first few years a person had to come to me to learn how to do it themselves, but ultimately, I figured out how to teach the treatments on a video.  That video became a DVD, and the DVD has grown into an MP4.  Now you can order it on my shopping cart, I’ll mail you the TotalTX Tool, and you’ll get the rest of the pieces as an MP4, so you have them immediately.

Check it out for yourself.  You CAN be your own Best Therapist and Stop Pain FAST!

Give A Man Or Woman A Fish Or Teach Him/Her HOW To Fish

If you have been to my office for therapy, you know that I always teach you how to do something to help yourself at home.  It’s something people really appreciate and tell others about because it’s not the norm in the therapeutic world. Teaching people self-treatment is something I’m very proud of because I am teaching my clients “how to fish.”

Have a wonderful month!

Wishing you well,

Julie Donnelly

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


My posts and “Health Tips From the Professor” articles carefully avoid claims about any brand of supplement or manufacturer of supplements. However, I am often asked by representatives of supplement companies if they can share them with their customers.

My answer is, “Yes, as long as you share only the article without any additions or alterations. In particular, you should avoid adding any mention of your company or your company’s products. If you were to do that, you could be making what the FTC and FDA consider a “misleading health claim” that could result in legal action against you and the company you represent.

For more detail about FTC regulations for health claims, see this link.


About The Author

Julie DonnellyJulie Donnelly has been a licensed massage therapist since 1989, specializing in the treatment of chronic pain and sports injuries. The author of several books including Treat Yourself to Pain-Free Living, The Pain-Free Athlete, and The 15 Minute Back Pain Solution.

Julie has also developed a proven self-treatment program for the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

She has a therapy practice in Sarasota, Florida, and she travels around the USA to teach massage and physical therapists how to do the Julstro Method, and she also teaches self-treatment clinics to anyone interested in taking charge of their own health and flexibility.

She may be reached at her office: 919-886-1861, or through her website:

About The Editor

Dr. Chaney has a BS in Chemistry from Duke University and a PhD in Biochemistry from UCLA. He is Professor Emeritus from the University of North Carolina where he taught biochemistry and nutrition to medical and dental students for 40 years.

Dr. Chaney won numerous teaching awards at UNC, including the Academy of Educators “Excellence in Teaching Lifetime Achievement Award”. Dr Chaney also ran an active cancer research program at UNC and published over 100 scientific articles and reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In addition, he authored two chapters on nutrition in one of the leading biochemistry text books for medical students.

Since retiring from the University of North Carolina, he has been writing a weekly health blog called “Health Tips From the Professor”. He has also written two best-selling books, “Slaying the Food Myths” and “Slaying the Supplement Myths”. And most recently he has created an online lifestyle change course, “Create Your Personal Health Zone”. For more information visit

For the past 45 years Dr. Chaney and his wife Suzanne have been helping people improve their health holistically through a combination of good diet, exercise, weight control and appropriate supplementation.

Health Tips From The Professor