Are You Confused By All The Conflicting Nutritional Advice?
If So, This Book Is For You.
About The Book
You want the healthiest diet for you and your family, but it is so confusing. Food myths abound. On the internet everyone is an expert. Who should you believe? What is the truth?
- Will saturated fats kill you, or are they good for you?
- Is meat your friend, or your foe?
- Are grains poison, or are they good for you?
- Is low-carb best, or is it low fat?
- Should you go vegan, Mediterranean, Paleo, or Keto?
This book gives you science-backed answers to these questions and much more.
This Book Is Unlike Any
Other Diet Book You Have Ever Read
Most diet books are written by some self-proclaimed diet “guru”. They are based on the premise that only the author knows the “truth.” He or she knows the perfect diet to help you lose weight and live a long and healthy life. The purpose of their book is to convince you that they are right and to give you guidelines for following their “perfect diet.”
About The Author
Dr. Steve Chaney received his BS degree in Chemistry from Duke University and his PhD in Biochemistry from UCLA. Dr. Chaney is:
- A bestselling author. His book “Slaying the Food Myths” was an Amazon bestseller in three categories
- An award-winning professor who taught human metabolism and nutrition to medical students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for 40 years.
- An internationally recognized scientist who has published over 100 research studies and reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
- A sought-after speaker on holistic approaches to health.
- A recognized expert who wrote two chapters on nutrition for the first 6 editions of "Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations", one of the leading biochemistry textbooks for medical students. He currently publishes a weekly health and nutrition blog called “Health Tips From the Professor”
His mission is cut through the claims and counter-claims and slay the nutrition myths. He searches the scientific literature to provide you with scientifically accurate answers to your nutrition questions. He is dedicated to giving you the truth about food and diets.
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